Habits are difficult: why this post is bad

This is going to be one of those blog posts that is written just because I have to every Saturday. For the first couple of weeks of the blog (I believe this is the 6th post) I actually thought about what I was going to write in advance, and spent a bit of time making sure that the article was actually well written. I have since fallen out of this habit.

Some of the habits that I hold I think are generally fairly good, I go to bed at a reasonable time unless I am at an event, I eat fairly well, and I don’t drink much. Over the last year or so I have been trying to improve my habits, I started doing yoga regularly and I felt way better for it, I tried to get into more regular exercise (stuff less zen than yoga, mainly weights and rock climbing, and recently I’ve been trying to read more books and publish more of my thoughts and writing. For all of these things I’ve failed at times, and for all of them I have in essence cheated to try and keep a streak going (this post isn’t going to be 500 words and 2 minutes of yoga doesn’t really count, that’s just stretching). 

I think that in all of these endeavours it was worth it just to try, and my life is definitely better now because I attempted to improve it. There is obviously a point where pledging to do too many things is counterproductive, but I have space to think about a couple more things.

I’m going to start a new habit, every Friday at 5pm I’m going to announce the topic of the week’s blog post on Twitter. This isn’t going to be a massive undertaking, but I think it will make me a little less likely to be coming up with topics and typing posts out on my phone at 4:49pm while sitting in a park.

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