Sorry, but not really

Last Saturday, I failed to publish a blog post. I didn’t actually realise that this had happened until Monday. For a moment I felt bad about this failure, it’s not like I have been totally organised with the blog up until this point, but entirely skipping it was definitely not a win.

On the other hand, last week was a really great week, and I was having way too much fun to feel bad about writing a sub-par blog post about something silly, even if I had of remembered. Last week I met a lot of new people, learned a lot and generally just felt grateful for life. If missing a blog post is the price I have to pay for that then that is alright with me.

On the other (other) hand (this now being the third hand), I really could have found time to write a blog post, and given that we live in 2021 and have access to extremely reliable and powerful technology, I probably could have found a way not to forget. So I’m not going to miss another one, the way I’m going to achieve this is to set myself a reminder every week on Saturday at 4pm, so that even if I somehow have forgotten to write something before then I have time to at least get something out, and I am going to start drafting more in advance.

Drafting in advance was always a part of the plan, it obviously just results in better articles with less effort, you put in a little bit of time creating an outline, give your brain time to work on it, and then come back later and polish it into an actually decent post. In order to actually make sure that drafting happens, I am starting a whole new habit, I am going to spend at least 30 minutes every day on my laptop. If me a year ago could have read this he would have been very confused, but I now go days without using my laptop for anything, it’s very easy to just finish work and come home and hang out with people and waste time on my phone. In this time I am going to go through my emails, plan out my time on my calendar, and write, I think if I do these three things it will be very beneficial to my life, because really I shouldn’t be writing one half-hearted blog post every week, if I really want to improve, I should be putting words on the page every day.

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